The Girl from Carolina‘s filled with GRITS (Girls Raised in the South) and BRITS:
Ferrari Thunderbird Taylor (Breanna Foister) — a foul-mouthed, no-nonsense Southern lady. She deals with a lot of stupidity on the regular and it makes her righteously angry.
Harry Shumway (Joe Worthen) — Ferra’s simple-minded, longtime boyfriend. He enjoys life’s simple pleasures: the love of a fine woman and adrenaline-charged, shoot-‘em-up video games.
Tiffy Walton (Prentiss Standridge) — Ferra’s (ex) BFF. She and Ferra tangle over Harry’s affections when Tiffy isn’t dealing with the strain of single motherhood.
Carther Graham (Jesse Hamlin) — Harry’s lazy, longtime best friend. Most days, you can’t pry him off his couch with a jimmy bar.
Jerry Shumway (Scott C. Reynolds) — Harry’s guilt-stricken, deadbeat dad. He’s basically taken up residence at a local bar, where he spends his time catcalling the other patrons.
JD (Italo Medelius) — Harry’s mysterious, business-savvy young weed dealer.
Porsche Mustang Taylor (Chelsea Ann Atkins) — Ferra’s prissy big sister. She’s constantly disappointed by Ferra’s life choices and strongly disapproves of her relationship with Harry.
Sherry Shumway (Jeanne Castor) — Harry’s momma and Jerry’s ex-wife. Lives on a mysterious farm.